The Woodland School District is very fortunate to have School Board and administrative support for the Before and After School Programs at both Columbia Elementary and North Fork Elementary Schools as well as Monday-morning care at Yale Elementary School. An excellent working partnership with the District provides the classrooms, gymnasiums, computer lab, cafeteria and all custodial services for our sites.

These programs align with the District's mission to value all students and their ability to achieve at a high level. Statistics prove that children engaged in before and after school programs are better prepared to become productive citizens and lifelong learners who give back to their communities. If you would like to inquire further regarding these programs, please contact:

Missy Sorensen, Program Manager 
Contact form


Woodland Child Care (WCC)

WCC is a Before and After School Program, located at Columbia and North Fork Elementary Schools. The WCC Coordinator is Missy Sorensen.

WCC provides a caring and nurturing environment for all students. Here are a few examples of activities your student will participate in:

  • Art Lessons
  • Computer Lab
  • Weekly Craft Projects
  • Field Trips to Woodland Public Library
  • Science Projects
  • Floral Design
  • Woodworking
  • Sewing Projects
  • Popcorn and Movie Days

Pre-registration is required for all students attending this program. The fee is $75.00 for annual registration. WCC Registration Form

Hourly fees are as follows:

  • $5.00 an hour for one child
  • $4.50 an hour for each child if there are two children or more enrolled in WCC

WCC is State licensed and now accepts child care subsidy.

WCC is available during the summer break only at Columbia Elementary School. The summer registration fee is $40.00 (t-shirt included). Students must bring cold lunch daily. Snacks are provided on a daily basis.

WCC Hours of Operation
Mondays-Fridays 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

WCC Late Starts and Closures due to weather or other emergency
If there is a late start WCC is closed for A.M. care, but open for P.M. care.
If School Closed - WCC is closed

If school is dismissed for any reason, parents of WCC children must pick up their children within 2 hours of dismissal.

Please make sure that all emergency contact information is updated and current in our files.

Contact Us: 

Melissa Sorensen

Columbia Elementary School 360.607.7926
Amy Summers North Fork Elementary School 360.605.6043

New Digital Check-In/Check-Out

***For current registered families only*** - Please click the link below to set up the new online registration for digital check-in & check-out. You will need to select your registered students, and enter the guardians that will be dropping off and/or picking up your children.

For more instructions see this document.

Attached Files:
CMI Padre Manual.pdf application/pdf 115.3K
WCC Handbook with all Policies.pdf application/pdf 109.4K