Welcome to Woodland!!

Serving Woodland – Yale – Cougar families

Registration for the 25-26 school year, including next year's Kindergarten, opens March 14th

New Student Registration - New To District 

District Registrar: Deena Capen
Hours:  Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm all year round.
Phone: 360-841-2707                Email: registrar@woodlandschools.org
Mailing  Address:  800 Second St - Woodland
Physical Address: 800 Third St
Drop Box: Drop-off box located in front of the Business Services Office at 800 Third Street, Woodland, WA 98674.

How to Find Us - 

We are located at the corner of 3rd and 5th streets, by the Woodland Middle School Track.

Student Registration

Welcome, Parents and Guardians of new students to Woodland Public Schools!

Kindergarten - Children must turn 5 Prior to August 31st. For information on Kindergarten Early Entrance Testing, click here.

Follow the three steps below to get your student started on their academic career:

Step 1: Request a registration packet
  • To register for the current 24-25 school year: Click Here
  • To register for the new 25-26 school year: Click Here (This link will become live on March 14th)
Step 2: Pickup registration packet(s):
Step 3: Submit your completed paperwork to the District Registrar:
  • Return documentation to Deena Capen, District Registrar, Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (all-year round) 
    • Student Registration/Business Services portable at 800 Third St, Woodland, WA 98674 (click link for Google Maps).  
    • 24-Hour Drop Box: You can drop the packet and related documents off anytime at the Drop-off box located in front of the Business Services Office at 800 Third Street, Woodland, WA 98674.
  •  Other Documentation 
    • Proof of Residency: Please bring one of the following: current utility bill, rental/mortgage/lease agreement, homeowners/rental insurance policy, public agency documents (DSHS, courts, etc.), current payroll check showing your name and address (amounts and social security numbers blacked out). Junk mail, copies of envelopes, or personal correspondence will not be accepted.
        •  If you are unable to provide this information due to living with
          another family, a Co-Residency form is required to be filled
          out, and is located in the enrollment packet. Proof of residency
          documentation will be required of the person with whom you
          are living.
        • If you are unable to provide this information due to being in a
          homeless/economic situation, please fill out the Student
          Housing Questionnaire located in the enrollment packet, and
          our Homeless Liaison, will reach out to you.
      • Immunization Records: Medically-verified Immunization record or Department of Health (CIS) Certificate of Immunization.
        •  Immunization records can be acquired from your doctors
          office, or if your student has received immunizations in
          Washington, you may be able to print them from the
          department of Health: Family Immunization Information
      • Birth Certificate: The Woodland School District will accept any one of a variety of documents for purposes of verifying a student's age, including but not limited to, a birth certificate, passport, an entry in a family bible, an adoption record, an affidavit from a parent, a previously verified school record, or any other document permitted by law.
      • Current Schedule: Grades 7-12
      • Transcript: Grades 9-12   

** Please be sure you have acquired all required paperwork before turning in the registration packet.  During the summer, school offices are closed which keeps us from being able to request and receive transcripts or immunizations in a timely manner. Due to the volume of registrations we receive, we are unable to keep paperwork that is not complete; it will be returned until all paperwork is included.

Remote Learning - Lewis River Academy (LRA) and TEAM High School

Enrollment forms for Lewis River Academy (K-8) and TEAM High School (9-12)