Mon Oct 12 2009, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


Yale Report


Mark Houk, Principal 

October 5, 2009

TO:                 Michael Green, Superintendent

FROM:           Mark Houk     


Into the year

Yale has settled into a consistent schedule, a schedule which we continue to look at in ongoing fashion in terms of creating best opportunity for student learning needs to be met.  Our Fall CAST Meetings were held last week, with identification of student needs   and practices we must assist and develop highlighted.  While we can identify "pockets" of exceptional student progress, focus must be given to insuring all students are being expected, and assisted in learning to high levels.

Yale PTO held its first Movie Night of the year this past Friday.   "Monsters V.S. Aliens" was the feature picture.  Shown in the school gym, more than half of our students/parents attended - taking advantage of low cost snacks, and raffle drawings.  This event for the community was made possible by the volunteer efforts of our Yale PTO!

Speaking of community - several parents have stepped up and we have Yale-based soccer teams this fall.  They are participating in our local youth league, and even have home games on the Yale field!  Thank you parents for your involvement!     


Cc:       Yale School Staff