Mon Feb 14 2011, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


Yale Report

TO:                 Michael Green, Superintendent
Mark Houk    

A recent visit to the Yale School highlighted the use of 15 new Lenovo wireless computers in our 4th-5th grade classroom.  AND these are not your "average" small, black schoolboard laptops - but 14-inch highly mobile and powerful computers that will enhance the manner in which instruction is presented, and present students with more real-world learning opportunities! 

This technology represents piece #1 of our Apple Award Funding.  Special thanks go to Steve Rippl and the "Tech. Guys," and teacher Kyle Niekamp for putting the final pieces of this system together for Yale!

We have introduced a full day option for our 5 Kindergarten students - our staff, led by Mrs. York, has rearranged their schedule to enable these students to remain at school all day and thus benefit from extra time and instructional opportunity!

Thank You Wal-Mart for your donation of $500 to our YCC before/afterschool student care program!  Items such as art supplies, and project materials will be provided using these funds!   

Looking Forward

Monthly Yale Family Movie Nights continue to be very popular with the whole valley community!  The PTO has done an outstanding job of making these quality, FREE, family oriented events!

Finally, we expect ground to be broken on the outside playground portion of the Apple Award sometime between late March and early April.  Plans have received final approval and the community will be heavily involved in much of the labor - an exciting time for the Yale Valley!