Upon the board's preliminary approval the purchase of 2280 Lewis River Road has been negotiated. The agreed upon price is $175,000. Pursuant to RCW 28A.335.090 an appraisal of the property has been ordered. Should the appraisal show the value to be significantly lower than the agreed upon price the purchase will be brought back to the board for further consideration.
The property is located immediately to the northeast of Woodland Intermediate School, between the storm retention pond and the north wing of the Building. The purchase will be made in order to accommodate future expansion of the Woodland Intermediate School.
Please authorize the Superintendent of Schools to complete the purchase transaction, sign all related documents, and pay all appropriate fees and related charges on behalf of the board.
Administrative Recommendation /MOTION/ I move we authorize the Superintendent of Schools to complete the purchase transaction for 2280 Lewis River Road, to sign all related documents, and approve payment of all appropriate fees and related charges on behalf of the board.