AMEND 1000 Legal Status and Operation
This policy is updated to reflect WSSDA Recommendation and to include our current vision statement.
DELETE 1005 Key Functions of the Board
Recommend Deletion. This policy is no longer a recommended policy of the WSSDA.
AMEND 1105 Director Districts
Recommend updating policy to reflect WSSDA Recommendations and inclusion of 1105P into policy. Addition of Boundary Maps as Procedure
AMEND/REPLACE 1110 Election
Recommend deletion of current policy 1110 and replacement with a new policy 1110 that provides reference to statutes that relate to election, residency, resignation, and board vacancy
AMEND 1111 Oath of Office
Recommend amending the policy to reference statutes related to oath of office.
DELETE 1112 Candidate and Director Orientation
Recommend deletion of the policy. It is considered discretionary by WSSDA and is not a statutory requirement.
DELETE/REPLACE 1113 Board Member Residency
Recommend deletion of current policy 1113 and replacement with a new policy 1110 that provides reference to statutes that relate to election, residency, resignation, and board vacancy
DELETE/REPLACE 1114 Board Member Resignation
Recommend deletion of current policy 1114 and replacement with a new policy 1110 that provides reference to statutes that relate to election, residency, resignation, and board vacancy
DELETE/REPLACE 1115 Vacancies
Recommend deletion of current policy 1115 and replacement with a new policy 1110 that provides reference to statutes that relate to election, residency, resignation, and board vacancy
AMEND 1220 Board Officers and Duties of Board Members
Recommend minor adjustments to current policy 1210. This policy defines responsibilities and powers beyond those articulated in the related statutes.
AMEND/REPLACE 1230 Secretary
Recommend amending the policy to replace text with a reference to statute and changing policy title to "Superintendent's duties as secretary of the board."
AMEND 1240 Committees
Changes discussed at first reading are incorporated
ADOPT 1300 Policy
Recommend adoption of new policy 1300 which combines current Policy 1310, 1320, and 1330 into a single policy.
DELETE/REPLACE 1310 Policy Adoption, Manuals, and Administrative Procedures
Recommend minor adjustments to the text of current policy 1310 and inclusion into new policy 1300. This policy defines responsibilities and powers beyond those articulated in statute.
DELETE/REPLACE 1320 Suspension of a Policy
Recommend minor adjustments to the text of current policy 1320 and inclusion into new policy 1300. This policy defines responsibilities and powers beyond those articulated in statute.
DELETE/REPLACE 1330 Administration in the Absence of Policy or Procedure
Recommend minor adjustments to the text of current policy 1330 and inclusion into new policy 1300. This policy defines responsibilities and powers beyond those articulated in statute.
AMEND 1400