Mon Aug 14 2017, 5:30pm
WHS Room 2203
Study Session


Resolution 17-9 — Authorizing Additional Appropriations For the 2016 - 2017 Capital Projects Fund Budget

As discussed in an earlier financial memo, please see the attached official documents and resolution for the Capital Projects Fund budget extension. We had unbudgeted expenditures including the final payment on the high school and the purchase, site prep and furnishing of the portables. We received offsetting revenues to cover the majority of these expenditures in state match funds and impact fees. The increase to the appropriation is $549,500.
Administrative Recommendation /MOTION/ "I move adopt resolution 17-9, authorizing an extension to the 16-17 Capital Projects Fund."
Attached Files:
Resolution 17-9.pdf application/pdf 111K
Summary of Capital Projects Fund Budget.pdf application/pdf 173K