Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA):
So far, our FBLA students have participated and completed two different national FBLA challenges: Super Sweeps and Non-Stop November. Because our club began its activities this year a little late, we only had two weeks to complete the Super Sweeps Challenge. Most FBLA clubs in our state and nation had an entire month to complete all the required tasks. This challenge focused on recruitment activities to build awareness of our Woodland High School FBLA Club and to recruit new members.
Non-Stop November focused on American Enterprise Day as well as World Prematurity Day. The next national challenge our club will be participating in is Action Awareness.
There are four levels of BAA: (1) Future, (2) Business, (3) Leader, (4) America. As members continue through each level, tasks and projects become more challenging. We currently have two Woodland High School FBLA Members who have successfully completed the Future level of BAA - Karalynn Conditt and Addison Holler. They both are now working towards completing the Business level of BAA.
Please congratulate freshman Sahara McPoland who wrote an essay about what FFA means to her and was granted a Gift of Blue award, which includes an official FFA Jacket with embroidery and an official scarf, valued at $100
Members are currently preparing for competitions in the following categories: Creed Speech, Prepared Speech, Extemporaneous Speech, and Employability Skills. Members continue to host Among Us game night once a month, inviting chapters from around D8.
Members will host a virtual wreath-making party as their December chapter activity.
Floral students continue to work on and complete hands on projects at home, such as cornucopias, hand held bouquets and wreaths.
Horticulture students completed a series of online interactive lab dissections and are starting their planning for the 2021 Annual Plant Sale.
Classes have been working on small carburetors and model engines (supplied from the classroom) at home with all of the necessary tools. We are virtually cleaning and rebuilding an engine. Students have been learning engine parts and functions with a little basic troubleshooting.
Classes have been working on TinkerCad to design items to be 3D printed.
Students are completing their egg unit. They have made omelets, poached eggs, and quiche. They will be starting sugar cookies for the week before Christmas and decorating them with royal icing using the flooding method.
Early Childhood Ed:
Students are preparing for a test on Child Development Theorists.
SkillsUSA Students attended a Fall Virtual Conference, and our State Officer, Caleb Mouat, also attended a training session on Legislative Advocacy.
Two of our officers, Caitlin Nelson and Oliver Rosa, attended a new SkillsUSA event called “Pour the Industea.” This high-energy, informative experience connected SkillsUSA teachers and students with business and industry panelists specific to their future careers. Students were impressed with how in depth the panel presenters were from their career areas.