At the December Meeting of the Woodland Public Schools Board of Directors, Port of Woodland Commissioner Bob Wile requested that the Board of Directors adopt a position to request that the City of Woodland reconsider the expansion of the urban growth boundaries to include all of the Woodland Bottoms.
The City Council considered six different options for expansion of the UGA. Commissioner Wile suggested that the Commission was advocating for "Option 6."
When the expansion of the UGA was being considered by the city, the Board of Directors did not take a formal position on the expansion options because of potential conflicts of interest on the part of some school board members. At the time, some individual board members did express a bias toward Option 5, which would incorporate the area of the Bottoms east of the railroad tracks and two small areas west of the tracks.
Expansion of the UGA into some or all of the Bottoms holds two key advantages to the school district,
1) Opportunity to collect Impact fees
2) Potential land for future school construction
There is no administrative recommendation on this topic.