To: Michael GreenFrom: Asha RileyRe: Yale School
Yale Gym: This month, we had another gym meeting with the broader Yale community, so the architects could share the design and direction of the project, as well as solicit feedback. The community was very excited about the design and offered some great ideas about use of space. I think everyone is very pleased with the architects and their designs. They have done a very nice job of addressing the needs of the community, being aware of possible issues (like septic and sprinkler issues), and communicating with the community about all of it. The general feeling at Yale is very positive as things progress.
One of our parents made a special request pertaining to the present structure, since this is the last year of use. They were wondering if murals could be painted on the walls for the holiday play, and/or as a tribute to our recently passed art teacher. I checked with Bill Hanson and he had no objection; so, I gave permission. I am really looking forward to seeing what they paint!