This Student Academic and Well-being Recovery Plan has been developed in response to two laws, one federal and one state, that connect planning for academic and student well-being recovery to eligibility to receive Federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III funds.
The Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) has developed the template on which this plan has been developed. The template allows us to respond to the requirements of both the state and federal law in a single plan.
Federal Law Requirements
The Federal Law, The American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) Fund under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021, Public Law 117-2, requires each school district to develop a “ Safe Return to In-Person Instruction Plan.” The ESSER funds must be used to address academic recovery and acceleration (the federal law uses the term “learning loss”).
The Law states:
“An LEA [school district] that receives ARP ESSER funds must, within 30 days of receiving the funds, make publicly available on its website a plan for the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services. Before making the plan publicly available, the LEA must seek public comment on the plan.”
OSPI has determined that school board approval of the plan meets the federal requirement for seeking public comment, as it involves public posting and provides the opportunity for public comment.
Following approval, the District must post the plan on the District’s website, making it accessible for those with disabilities and those in the community whose language is one other than English.
Washington State Law Requirements
The LEA [School District] Academic and Student Well-being Recovery Plan (House Bill 1368; Sec. 12 [2021]). requires school districts to submit an Academic and Student Well-being Recovery Plan to OSPI by June 1, 2021, “to address student needs resulting from school building closures and extended time in remote learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”
The law requires OSPI to develop the template for the LEA Academic and Student Well-being Recovery Plan and a process for LEAs to report progress on implementing their plans.
In addition, the legislature gave OSPI the ability to add additional elements identified by OSPI that are based on evidence of positive learning and well-being outcomes.
OSPI has elected to add three additional requirements of LEAs:
OSPI will review and either approve the submitted Plan or request additional information from the LEA. Approval of the Plan is required before ESSER III funds will be released for LEA use.
Elements of the Plan
Districts must address the following elements in their Academic and Student Well-being Recovery Plan, using the OSPI-provided template:
Administrative Recommendation /MOTION/ "I move we adopt Resolution 21-04 as presented"