In this continuation of our workshop on MTSS, we will focus in a little more detail on Tier 1 (support and Instruction that all students receive) and Tier 2 (Strategic support that some students receive to help them meet standard).
MTSS covers a broad set of supports in academics, social-emotional, behavior, etc. This more in-depth focus of discussion will be on literacy and should not be mistaken by the board as the whole of tier 1 and tier 2 supports.
A summary of the three-tiered MTSS model:
Instruction, enrichment, and intervention are delivered along a continuum to meet the full spectrum of social, emotional, behavioral, and academic needs of all students. In a multi-tiered system of supports, tiers describe the intensity of support provided. Tiers do not define students.
Tier 1 is the foundation for additional layers of support and should meet the needs of approximately 80% of the student population. Every student has equitable access to universal instruction and supports are:
When more than 20% of students need additional support, leadership teams should re-examine the tier 1 supports in place, as it is an indication that tier 1 instruction and supports may be insufficient. Targeted enrichment and interventions are added to accelerate learning and remove barriers preventing students from benefiting fully from universal instruction and supports.
Tier 2 supports are an additional layer of targeted, evidence-based intervention programs that include: clearly defined entrance and exit criteria
Tier 3 supports are an additional layer of intensive, evidence-based intervention programs that have been individualized to meet the needs of students who demonstrate significant risk or do not respond to tier 2 interventions. Interventions may be intensified across seven domains for more detail):