I have attached the 2016-17 Budget Vs Actual and Comparisons to 15-16 for September (page 14) and the September Budget Status Reports for all funds (pages 15-19). Revenues in September were $30,000 more than expected, which is reasonable for this time of the year. Payroll was about $72,000 greater than expected. District directed days and other certificated additional time was approximately $48,000 than the prior 3 year average (which is what the estimate is based upon). I will keep an eye on payroll expenditures in the coming months and evaluate further if necessary. Accounts payable was about $54,000 more than expected, which is not unusual for this time of year. I reviewed all expenditures and the amounts paid do not look unusual.
The enrollment spreadsheets are also attached (pages 20-22), with summaries by headcount for September through December and a comparison of budgeted FTE to actual average FTE. Enrollment increased by 6 students and almost 10.0 FTE, making the December count almost 62 students above budget. The average FTE is still almost 52 students greater budget. I will continue to keep you apprised each month and will let you know how this affects the district projections starting with December financial data in January.
Please let me know if you have any questions.