Thu Mar 10 2022, 6:15pm
WHS Library and Zoom
Regular Meeting


Financial and Enrollment Report

To: Michael Green, Superintendent

From: Stacy Brown, Director of Business Services

Subject: January Financial/February Enrollment Report

Date: March 7, 2022

I have the months of September through January reconciled.  I attached some reports that include YTD expenditures and revenues through 1/31/22 and projected revenues, expenditures, and fund balance through the end of the year.  Last month I did not make any updates to revenues or expenditures and just let the system project everything out (resulting in a FB increase of $40,000).  This month I made some adjustments to revenues and expenditures based on what I know now.  I received information on the Transportation allocation for this year and it is approximately $225,000 less than budgeted.  I made that adjustment as well as some others and also made some adjustments on the expenditure side.  The projected fund balance is now projected to decrease by just over $42,000.  This is a decrease of $82,000 in comparison with December.  You can see this in the Month-End Balances (page 2) and the Financial Forecast (page 5).

The General Fund Revenues Dashboard Summary (page 3) shows a summary of revenues and the amounts collected to date in comparison with projected revenues.  If you look at the first half donut, you can see that we have collected a total of 36.63% of the budgeted revenues, compared with 36.12% expected.  If you look at the graph, you can see we have collected more than the previous year in Local and Federal funds and less in State funds.  The Local and State sources are in line with the projections.  Federal sources are higher, due to the ESSER, ARP, and Return to Learn funds that we are currently receiving. The graphs were discussed in the previous month's memo and things have not changed since then.  

The General Fund Expenditure Dashboard Summary (page 4) shows a summary of year-to-date expenditures in comparison with projected expenditures.  If you look at the second donut (red) you can see that through January we have spent only 39.83% of the budgeted expenditures.  This is in comparison with projected expenditures based on budget and history of 40.87%.  Graph information was discussed in a prior report and things have not changed since then,

Budget status reports for all funds for January are included (pages 6-10).


Enrollment is not due to OSPI until the end of the week, so the enrollment is not completely processed and I don’t yet have March reports.  I will let you know in April if the mask mandate has any effect on the enrollment numbers.  

Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Attached Files:
Woodland SD – Jan Financial Report.pdf application/pdf 408.8K